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Trends and advancements in the sampling and preservation of samples for the identification of contaminants of emerging concern
2-3 March 2016, Oslo, Norway
SESSION 1: How do we conveniently store samples with emerging compounds?
- Jan Koschorreck, Federal Environmental Agency, Germany
- What are the challenges for environmental specimen banks? (1836 kB)
- Ian Allan, NIVA, Norway
- Specimen banking of passive samplers for aquatic environments: purpose, possibilities and procedures (1253 kB)
- Tobias Schulze, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Germany
- Perspectives of repositories for environmental mass spectral and metadata for non-target and retrospective analysis (1612 kB)
- Nestor Etxebarria, University of the Basque Country, Spain
- Short term stability of the extracts of 22 emerging contaminants in different supporting media (3609 kB)
- Katherine Langford, NIVA, Norway
- The importance of contamination control in screening and non-target applications (348 kB)
- Fabrizio Botta, INERIS, France
- Current researches on stability performed by AQUAREF in France (1394 kB)
- Martin Schlabach, NILU, Norway
- Passive air sampling used as a powerful tool in environmental specimen banking (760 kB)
- Euan Ross, Waters, UK
- The analysis of natural and synthetic estrogens at sub ppt levels in surface water and crude influent waters (2057 kB)
- Pawel Rostkowski, NILU, Norway
- Application of retrospective analyses in identification and monitoring of contaminants of emerging concern (1828 kB)
SESSION 2: Future trends for the sampling and analysis of emerging compounds
- Bert van Bavel, NIVA, Norway
- Microplastics from a European perspective (Clean Sea) (1616 kB)
- Fiona Regan, DCU, Ireland
- Autonomous sensor platform development for organic environmental contaminants (48767 kB)
- Dag Øystein Hjermann, NIVA, Norway
- Sampling Design - From a statistical point of view (1107 kB)
- Cecilie Mauritzen, Chief Scientific Officer, Kon-Tiki2
- The Kon-Tiki2 expedition: Documenting climate change, litter and pollution (4634 kB)
- Tobias Schulze, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Germany
- On site large volume solid phase extraction for chemical and effect-based screening analysis (0 kB)
- Azziz Assoumani, Labaqua S.A., Spain
- CFIS-ECOPHARMA: Innovative Continuous Flow Integrative Sampler for Pharmaceutical Compounds Detection (1336 kB)
- Sofia Veloutsou, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Sample preparation in Non-Target Screening for very polar compounds: Prospects and difficulties (1092 kB)
- Miroslav Brumovsky, RECETOX, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- Challenges in ship-based sampling and extraction of per- andpolyfluorinated alkyl substances from open sea water (898 kB)
- Fabrizio Botta, INERIS, France
- Measuring parabens in surface water: the impact of the field operator (1574 kB)
- Luca Nizzetto, NIVA, Norway
- Towards a European integrated coastal monitoring infrastructure for chemical pollution: Technical challenges and opportunities (1514 kB)