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Paris workshop PRESENTATIONS
Setting the scene
- Werner Brack, UFZ, Coordinator SOLUTIONS
SOLUTIONS perspective (719 kB) - Valeria Dulio, INERIS, Executive Secretary NORMAN Association
NORMAN perspective (1512 kB) - Antonio Ginebreda, CSIC, Spain
Introductory overview on existing prioritisation schemes and approaches: results from a SOLUTIONS literature review (1831 kB)
Session I: Substance-based approaches for prioritisation of chemicals
- Valeria Dulio, INERIS, NORMAN Association
Prioritisation of emerging contaminants by action category: the NORMAN approach (2330 kB) - Derek Muir, University of Toronto, Canada
Prioritising chemicals of emerging concern: some approaches being used in Canada and the USA (1276 kB) - Anna Sobek, Stockholm University, Sweden
Using model-based screening to help discover unknown environmental contaminants (1094 kB) - Matias S. Attene Ramos, University of Quebec, Canada
Chemical genomics as a tool for environmental toxicity testing (1698 kB) - Bart van der Burg, BDSb.v, The Netherlands
ChemScreen's quantitative high throughput screening methodologies to assess biological activity of chemicals and water samples: their use in the context of REACH and the Water Framework Directive (2278 kB)
Session II: Monitoring-based approaches for prioritisation of chemicals
- Jaroslav Slobodnik, Environmental Institute, Slovakia, NORMAN Association; Juliane Hollender, Eawag, Switzerland
Prioritisation of substances from non-target screening (2587 kB) - Werner Brack, UFZ, Leipzig, Germany
The potential of effect-directed analysis approaches to support prioritisation of chemical contaminants (1599 kB) - Andreas Kortenkamp, Brunel University, UK
Taking into account mixture effects in prioritisation schemes (1008 kB) - Sergi Sabater, University of Girona
Linking ecology and the identification of priority environmental contaminants: lessons learned from river biofilms (2922 kB)
Session III: Current practise in specific media
- Tamara Grummt, UBA, Germany
Tox-Box: an enhanced health-related approach for risk assessment of drinking water in Germany (2174 kB) - Annemarie van Wezel, KWR, The Netherlands
The water cycle and drinking water perspective for prioritisation of chemical contaminants, including water treatment (2705 kB) - Francesca Pellizzato, ECHA
ECHA's thematic workshop on sediment risk assessment: outcome and implications on prioritisation of chemicals (255 kB) - Juliane Hollender, Eawag, Switzerland
Prioritisation of chemicals and effects in wastewater effluents for improved mitigation measures (2981 kB)
Outlook, what's next
- Rolf Altenburger, UFZ, Leipzig, Germany
Novel effect-based tools (SOLUTIONS SP T) (2003 kB) - Jos van Gils, Deltares, The Netherlands
Improved modelling approaches (SOLUTIONS SP M) (828 kB) - Michael Faust, F+B, Germany
Advanced integrated methodologies (SOLUTIONS WP S2) (489 kB) - Valeria Dulio, INERIS, NORMAN Association
NORMAN activities on prioritisation (1426 kB)