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2011- Book on Effect-directed analysis of complex environmental contamination
A book on “Effect-directed analysis of complex environmental contamination” was published in 2011 by Springer (Editor: Werner Brack). A summary is provided in the 3rd issue of the NORMAN Bulletin.
2010- Successful approval of the ITN–Marie Curie, EDA-EMERGE project in 2010
The project proposal was submitted at the beginning of 2010 as part of the activities of this Working Group. The EDA–EMERGE project started its activities at the end of 2011 (kick-off meeting on 21 November in Stockholm) for a duration of four years. It involves 14 partners from 7 countries.
The activities of the EDA–EMERGE project are closely connected with the EDA Working Group.
In 2012 the activities organised by EDA-EMERGE in close collaboration with EDA WG3, included a summer school on EDA-related tools (from 25–29 June 2012 at the UFZ, Leipzig): a week of basic lectures on the European Regulatory Framework, the technical aspects of EDA, i.e. sample preparation and fractionation, biodiagnostic tools and chemical analysis.
NORMAN methodology for large volume active sampling for effect-based monitoring, chemical screening and EDA
Effect-based monitoring in highly diluted large rivers as the River Danube requires significant pre-concentration and the extraction of large volumes. At the same time the transport and preparation of large volumes to/in the laboratory are a big challenge. Thus, UFZ developed together with MAXX GmbH a mobile large-volume extraction unit applying a sequence of sorbents for the optimised extraction of a broad scale of contaminants.
The validation and demonstration of this extraction device is part of a field study organised as part of the Joint Danube Survey 3 (Aug-Sept 2013).
About 30 samples of 100 to 1000 L were taken (separate: SPM and water phase). The extracts were analysed with a set of bioassays (selected and validated by NORMAN WG on bioassays headed by RWTH, contribution by RECETOX), LC-HR MS/MS screening for knowns, suspects, unknowns (UFZ, possible contributors LfU (e.g. target quantification), EI, eawag, NIVA, ITM), GC-MS screening (suggestion: EI, default: UFZ). The study includes the application of multivariate statistics to hypothesise on links between effects (and if available biological data) and pollution patterns.
The expect outcome is a validated methodology for integrated effect/chemical screening on the basis of large-volume active sampling, effect-based monitoring, chemical screening and multivariate statistics.