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Passive sampling in support of chemical monitoring in biota for the Water Framework Directive


The NORMAN Association welcomed you to a half-day workshop to discuss the inclusion of passive sampling into Water Framework Directive monitoring. 

This workshop presented the vision and remaining challenges for the integration of biota-based WFD monitoring for trends and compliance assessment of priority substances and river basin specific pollutants. This included strategies for biota species selection and procedures to translate biota data into data suitable for comparison with EQSbiota. We got insight into how such biomonitoring is tackled in different EU countries, for freshwaters or the marine environment (e.g. through OSPAR/ICES). This was followed by a session presenting recent advances in the interpretation of the accumulation of chemicals into biota with the help of passive samplers. Examples of the application of passive sampling and monitoring of chemicals with biota alongside were presented.

Registration: E-mail or

