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Workshop on Passive Sampling techniques for monitoring of contaminants in the aquatic environment: Achievements to date and future perspectives
27-28 November 2014, Lyon, France
Organised jointly by NORMAN Network and AQUAREF
Hosted by IRSTEA, France
This two-day workshop was organised to bring together the experts who had been involved in the past years in activities in the field of passive sampling carried out by the NORMAN network and beyond. The second day of the workshop was open also to stakeholders involved in the implementation of regulatory monitoring frameworks (WFD, MSFD, OSPAR Convention, etc.). The main aim of this event was to discuss the state-of-the-art and define the strategy and a roadmap of the further actions to be promoted by NORMAN for 2015 and beyond. As a main outcome of the discussion, experts provided a critical analysis of the still existing barriers in the application of passive sampling techniques and discussed the concrete actions needed in view of implementation of these tools in environmental monitoring programmes.
The common position, as discussed at the workshop, of the passive sampling community experts regarding concrete actions required to improve the use of passive sampling techniques in support of risk assessment and risk management, is presented in a Position paper published in Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry.